Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pus in the Throat - Symptoms and Causes of Pus in the Throats?

General Dentist - Pus in the Throat - Symptoms and Causes of Pus in the Throats?
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General Dentist! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

While the glands of the throat typically yield one to two quarts of mucous daily, which filters the air and traps foreign matter you inhale, abnormal substance like pus in the throat is a symptom of a wide range of throat problems ranging from strep throat to bacterial infections. However, one of the most base causes of pus or excess mucous in the throat is the proximity of tonsil balls.

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How is Pus in the Throat - Symptoms and Causes of Pus in the Throats?

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These stone-like balls are usually whitish in color and can be both irritating and painful. They tend to form in the back of the throat, on the base of the tongue, or most ordinarily in the pockets on the tonsils themselves. While they are essentially harmless, tonsil balls can cause a myriad of symptoms ranging from sore throat and pus in the throat to strangeness swallowing and coughing. The stones are caused by an accumulation of calcareous matter and sulfur-based bacteria or debris that can come to be lodged in the tonsils.

Pus in the throat and the proximity of these stones can often be treated with basic home remedies, such as expressing them with a Q-tip, brushing them away gently with a toothbrush, or washing them out of the mouth with pulsating jets of water. In more difficult cases, doctors can use a surgical course to rid a person of the stones.

Occasionally, more severe infections can occur in the tonsils, like tonsillitis, and the tonsils must be removed in a relatively routine procedure. If you suffer from pus in the throat or other symptoms affecting the tonsils, such as continuing bad breath, stomachaches, excess phlegm, and the feeling of a lump in the throat, see your normal doctor for a further diagnosis and treatment.

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